DHSS Bethel Youth Facility Expansion
Owner: State of Alaska
While the current Bethel Youth Facility (BYF) structure was physically sound, the poor layout, marginal security features and capacity issues made it essential for the State of Alaska to significantly invest in an extensive renovation and expansion plan. UNIT, in association with Bethel Services, reconstructed the Detention unit to securely house twelve (12) youth in single occupant cells, add an intake area that includes a vehicle sally port, renovate the Treatment area to create ten (10) single occupant bedrooms, upgrade and expand the healthcare area, add a small gymnasium and a secure outdoor recreation area. Other significant renovations included the administration, education and multipurpose rooms and expanding the Probation area to six offices and supporting interview/video conference rooms. The revamped 26,057 SF building provides a secure, safe environment for up to 22 juvenile offenders.