FTW373A Warm Storage Hangar

Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Architect: McCool Carlson Green
The Warm Storage Hangar was designed and constructed by UNIT COMPANY to support the new Aviation Task Force at Fort Wainwright, Alaska while incorporating the architectural features of the Fort Wainwright Ladd Field National Historic Landmark District. The project site was developed for efficiency and to convey a sense of unity with the adjacent buildings and with the installation as a whole. The 56,660 SF hangar includes a concrete foundation and column-free space for the capacity of seven rotary wing aircraft in a climate controlled, enclosed shelter. The structural system for the building consists of a steel framed, steel bowstring trusses spanning 212 feet, special concentric steel braced frames, and reinforced concrete foundations over deep dynamic compacted subgrade. Other building features include the installation of an Energy Monitoring & Control System, fire protection and alarm systems and Building Information Systems. Supporting facilities include utilities, electric service, exterior and security lighting, fire protection and alarm systems, security fencing and gates, water, gas, sewer, oil water separators, storm drainage and site improvements such as paving, walks, curbs and gutters, and complies with UFC 4-010-01 DoD Antiterrorism Force Protection Measures.
The Warm Storage Hangar is a clear-span, high-bay open structure, featuring a high-performance thermal envelope for the subarctic environment that includes R-60 walls and R-90 roof insulation values. The historic character of Ladd Airfield is reinforced by the barrel vaulted roof form and symmetrical proportions. The helicopter storage areas are covered by a High Expansion Foam Fire Suppression System. The hangar is equipped with a sliding panel hangar door on a heated in-floor rail system. In addition, the aircraft pavement floor is a heated slab which is a large thermal mass that provides a comfortable interior environment during the cold arctic winters. This hangar is a durable 50 plus year structure that requires minimal maintenance. The hangar is designed to facilitate light maintenance, refueling and armament operations while mitigating the impacts of sub-arctic weather on rotary aircraft, aircraft support equipment and personnel.
The project is designed to be certified at the LEED silver standard.