EIE379 F-35A Hangar / Squad Ops / AMU, Squad #2

Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Architect: Coffman Engineers / KPB Architects JV
UNIT COMPANY and Bethel Federal Services (together as Bethel Federal-UNIT JV) were awarded the F-35A Hangar / Squad Ops / AMU, Squad #2 Facility at Eielson AFB, AK in Spring of 2018. The project, which is adjacent to the F-35A Hangar/Propulsion MX / Dispatch project, consists of the construction of a 58,314 SF 4-bay maintenance bay for F-35A aircrafts and administrative spaces. The facility includes a squad operations space for the pilots to obtain pre and post flight instruction which included briefing rooms and training rooms. The training components of the squad operations space were constructed to ICD/ICS705 security requirements.
Building components include reinforced concrete floor, walls, with ceiling, lightning and surge protection, and electrical grounding and are compatible with applicable DoD, Air Force, bridge crane, and base design standards to be able to withstand wind loads, seismic effects, and arctic conditions including permafrost, liquefaction potential, and snow. Other construction elements include a hangar access apron, pedestrian and vehicle access, PCC hangar bay, and stormwater, and mechanical avionics cooling air system, ventilation, and heating to include radiant floor heating, heat recovery units from the maintenance bays to increase the energy efficiency of the building.