CLR049 84-Person Dormitory

Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Architect: MCG Explore Design
UNIT COMPANY was awarded this project in spring 2023. This 39,795 SF design build project will construct a new, three-story 84-person dormitory at Clear Space Force Station, Alaska. This project will support the addition of a planned Consolidated Civil Engineering/Security Forces Squadron Facility. The dorm will house ranks from E-5 to E-9. The building is divided into an east and west wing that meet at the ‘common core’. The east wing houses the studio units while the 1-bedroom units occupy the west wing. On level 1, the manager’s office has views of the elevator, located at the building axis to all entries providing welcome and security. The elevator shaft has been sized to meet manufacturers requirements. The bulk storage room has been located adjacent, and through, the office for convenience and efficiency of inventory. This ‘common core’ has laundry facilities and torage and janitorial space at each of the 3 floor levels, as well as stacked, centralized Telecommunications/Electrical rooms. Four diverse dayrooms are provided that allow residents to choose the level of social engagement.
As part of this construction, significant site work will be completed to include new parking stalls, relocated sports fields, and upgrades to the existing substation and utility infrastructure. The dormitory will be constructed out of concrete masonry with a reinforced slab on grade and an EIFS finish. The roof will be constructed as a standing seam metal roof. In addition to the facility, connection to the existing steam distribution system will be constructed to satisfy heating loads of the dorm and future facilities. Mechanical components include a supplemental boiler to support the dormitory during the coldest months of the year to allow for peak shaving of the steam system. Additionally, this project will upgrade the 138kV substation with redundant step-down transformer, air switches, circuit breaker, and connect to the existing switchgear, as well as install new feeder conductors in the existing spare conduit from the primary substation switching station to the new site to enhance electrical resiliency. This project will also install buried electrical service with pad mounted transformer and backup diesel generator for the dormitory and install buried fiber optic communication service from base service to the dorm. Included in construction is a new buried concrete utility corridor (utilidor) to support potable water, steam, and condensate piping service to the new dorm. The sanitary waste connection will be piped with a lift station for tie-in to the existing sewage system. This project will also need to provide adequate fire water service to the new dorm facility. This will be accomplished through a new fire water well and pump as the existing infrastructure does not provide sufficient fire flow.
Due to the extreme cold at Clear AFS in the winter months, this project will also construct an aboveground severe weather passageway from the new dormitory to Building 209. This will allow personnel to move between buildings without being exposed to extreme weather conditions. Also, part of this project is to replace and relocate a softball field and tennis court. These athletic fields will be lighted and fenced.